Web Design Project - Magic City Figure Skating Club


The Magic City Figure Skating Club needed a website that included the following:

  1. Simple and easy to navigate for anyone new to or interested in their club.

  2. Central communication hub for current members.

  3. Online registration system.

  4. Interactive calendar.

  5. Blog that is easy to use.

Below, you will see the final product of the website I created for them. 




I started the project by designing various graphics that I implemented throughout their website. By creating these graphics, I can give them a completely unique brand that won't mirror someone else who bought the exact same stock photos and graphics. 


Graphics Guide

The home page graphics help incoming traffic navigate to the part of the website they need to go to without having to search around. The calendar graphics are used to categorize the various events that go on in the club. The graphics are also used to categorize their online registration system. 


Branding Style Board

The club already had a logo so I designed the rest of their Branding Style Board around it to ensure brand unity. They now have an alternative logo, favicon, fonts, buttons, and a set color palette. Using this style board takes the guessing game out of how they can create new material in the future that is cohesive with their brand.



Home Page

Designing the home page to be effective is crucial as this is usually a visitor's first impression and can determine if they stick around to check out more or leave with the risk of never coming back. I classified potential visitors into 3 different categories:

  1. New or interested visitors would want to know more about their Learn to Skate program.

  2. Current members would want to go directly to the area that has forms, information and announcements meant specifically for them.

  3. Visitors who are members of a different skating club would come to know more about the events going on in the club, like their annual competition or any upcoming test sessions. All of this information can be found in the Calendar page.

I also included two links that go directly to the "Contact" page and the "Who Are We?" page as those are also common points of interest for visiting a website. 

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Online Registration System

To become more efficient, the club wanted an online registration system for their Learn to Skate and Advanced program. Below is one of the online registration systems that is now functioning on their website.  

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Interactive Calendar

Their club members can now stay organized by being able to see all their events in one place. Each event can be clicked on to show a new page that describes the event in more detail.  

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Contact Page

The contact page includes a message form and Google map. By having their contact information so readily available, it immediately makes their club more welcoming to visitors and greatly increases the chance of having them reach out to the club. 

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SEO Optimization and Education

To wrap up the project, I optimized their SEO (search engine optimization) to help those who search on Google find them easier. I also recorded and sent multiple videos that show them how to use their new online registration system and edit content on their website in addition to answering all the questions they have while I transition ownership over to them. 

When I build websites, I know that completing the website does not define the end of the project. I make sure my clients are comfortable using their new site before I officially end the project. My clients always have been and always will be more than just projects. They are people I build relationships with and those relationships go beyond the website's completion timeline. 


With love,

- Heather

Wanna see the entire website?


Heather Brockell is a Web Designer and Copywriter based out of North Dakota, USA. When she isn’t designing websites or writing, she performs as a professional figure skater and singer in ice shows all around the country.

Want to hire Heather to create something magical for your online presence?